After having tenants in a unit for years or even decades, putting it back on the market without some improvements or condo renovations is impossible. Even the cleanest tenant can’t stop the natural deterioration of a unit and its appliances. Even if a unit is brand-new, there are many changes that...

Are you thinking of purchasing a rental condo in the Toronto area? There are many things to consider when it comes to becoming a rental property owner. You have to consider things like resale value, any renovations you’ll need to make, comparables, what amenities exist, and what the rental market looks...

Aspiring first-time and real estate investors alike often overlook one significant avenue to sharpen their investment strategies: visiting open houses. An open house is more than just a casual visit; it's a learning opportunity.  Let's uncover why these visits can make you a smarter investor. Gaining Market Insight in Real Time Unlike online...

Being an investor who owns real estate in another country can come with many risks. Dealing with tenants across time zones and continents makes hands-on property management difficult. These alone are popular reasons why many overseas landlords turn to property management companies. Knowing the exact state of your property is important....

Condo investing in Toronto can be a great way to make money, but before you jump in, you should know the pros and cons about investing in condominiums specifically. Condos offer investors a potentially lower-cost, lower-maintenance option that could give them a high return on their money, but the condo...

Purchasing a rental property can be a lucrative and rewarding investment. Whether you’re a first-time landlord or you already own a number of properties, you will need to decide whether you want to manage the property yourself or find the best property management company in Toronto that will take care...