After having tenants in a unit for years or even decades, putting it back on the market without some improvements or condo renovations is impossible. Even the cleanest tenant can’t stop the natural deterioration of a unit and its appliances. Even if a unit is brand-new, there are many changes that...

There are many important decisions to make when you decide to transform your condo into a rental property. If you decide to handle things on your own, you will have to market your property, find suitable tenants, calculate market rents, handle tenant interactions, and everything else that involves your rental...

Are you thinking of purchasing a rental condo in the Toronto area? There are many things to consider when it comes to becoming a rental property owner. You have to consider things like resale value, any renovations you’ll need to make, comparables, what amenities exist, and what the rental market looks...

Toronto's urban sprawl tells a story about how we used to live: detached house, full yard, and space as paramount.  But with micro condos—condos of 500 square feet or less—making up 11% of the new condos coming onstream in the GTA this year, the shift from car culture to transit-friendly, neighbourhood-centred, community culture is in full swing, as Toronto buyers and renters are embrace the advantages of a clean, compact lifestyle.

Here are four ways choosing condo-sized living can change your day-to-day routines—for the better.

 1) Say goodbye to high heating and utility bills.

Most condo corporations don't meter out heating, water, and hydro costs on top of your monthly rent: They combine those costs, along with your share of any major capital repairs, into a fixed monthly charge called condo fees, which are set by the condo board.  The budgeting benefits are part of what's attracted buyers and renters of all ages to condominium living.  The next big cold snap won't wreck your budget once the heating bill comes in, and fluctuating hydro rates are absorbed and evened out over the year.

On top of that, your share of your building's condo fees is allocated based on the square footage of your unit—anywhere from 50 cents to a dollar per square foot, depending on the age of the building, how many amenities it contains, and how many units are there to share the load.  So a smaller unit means a lighter load when it comes to condo fees—and your entire utilities and heating bill, letting condo owners keep their costs down and condo renters, more often than not, see their entire utilities bill included as part of their monthly rent.

Moving house is commonly called the third-most stressful event we experience in a happy, healthy, day-to-day life.  However, a smooth move is achievable with a little planning and organization.  Have a seamless moving day with these easy advance moving day tips: 1) Don't get mad, get organized The earlier you start organizing...