Signing your condo away to a property management company can seem like a huge leap of faith. It’s reasonable to feel skeptical about whether your condo will be in good hands. After all, mismanagement can cost you thousands of dollars or even a lawsuit against you by your tenants. That’s why...

Turning your condo into a profitable rental property is very enticing and appealing to many rental property owners. The real estate market in Toronto and the GTA represents a valuable opportunity for investors to generate significant ROIs from properties they purchase and rent. But being a landlord requires a lot more...

If you are looking to hire someone to help you find tenants for your rental property, a real estate manager and property manager might look similar. After all, they are involved in the rental industry and they can both help you find tenants for your newly rentable condo. But once you begin...

As a landlord in Ontario, you should understand how renting a property can affect your taxes. Every cent your rental property earns is taxable, which is why it’s vital that you treat your property like a business. Failing to report your income properly may lead to tax headaches, fines, and even...

As a landlord of a condominium unit, you may feel nervous entering into lease agreements with certain tenants. Maybe they don’t have a steady income, or you are unsure about their character references.  The good news is, you have certain legal rights to protect you as a landlord in Ontario. So,...

Entering into the real estate market as a condominium owner can be a lucrative and savvy move. The industry is booming, and you can see a large profit if you fill your units quickly.  However, while there are plenty of high-quality renters looking for their next home, the competition is fierce,...

While owning a condominium in the GTA can be a lucrative business investment, there are a vast number of province-wide regulations that you need to follow when you lease your rental property. Some of the most important laws to be aware of are those that relate to the health and...

Tenant screening is a crucial part of the leasing process that’s often overlooked by private landlords. A thorough screening process ensures that the potential tenants are reliable and suitable for the tenancy.  Without proper screening, landlords run the risk of allowing poor quality tenants to live in their property. This can...