01 Aug Moving Day Tips: How to Have a Seamless Moving Day
Moving house is commonly called the third-most stressful event we experience in a happy, healthy, day-to-day life. However, a smooth move is achievable with a little planning and organization. Have a seamless moving day with these easy advance moving day tips:
1) Don’t get mad, get organized
The earlier you start organizing your move, the easier Moving Day will be. Get started as early as possible with a moving checklist that lists the major tasks ahead for your move and the timelines for completing them, and add any special chores you’ll need to do.
There are two main tricks to having an organized Moving Day. The first? Break down your moving task checklist into manageable chunks: the smallest individual tasks you can find. That way, the job of moving will be much less massive.
The second trick is to assign yourself regular Moving Homework—and keep up with it! Assigning yourself those small tasks, week by week, in the month or more ahead of your move will keep you from getting overwhelmed, make sure nothing slips through the cracks, and ensure the stress of moving stays at a manageable buzz. Check off your tasks as you finish, reward yourself, and bask in the glow of a job well done as you feel yourself moving closer to a smooth Moving Day.
2) Have a day-of plan
Just like with any other major event—like a wedding or a big birthday party—you can make your Moving Day a lot easier by having a detailed schedule and plan for the day. Know at least a week in advance what time you will have access to your new home, when your movers will arrive at both your old home and your new one, what time your elevator at the new condo is reserved for, and so forth—down to your wakeup time that morning.
Check your plan with a friend, to make sure there’s nothing missing, and adjust it as necessary as your plans come together in the final days.
Building a schedule that allows a little flex will let you know where you are in the plan, prevent anxiety, and make sure that nothing important is forgotten.
3) Learn the rules of your new condo ahead of time
Different condominium complexes have different rules: about reserving elevators for moving, whether you can have a barbeque on any outdoor space attached to your unit, or the colours of curtains that you can have facing outward on your unit’s windows. Moving in with a strong knowledge of what’s a go—and what’s a no—in your new building will make your Moving Day a lot easier by preventing any problems that might crop up ahead of time, and making sure any questions you have can be answered well before you get the keys.
4) Hook up your essential services early
Home doesn’t feel like home without power. Or water. Or—let’s admit it—wifi. Waking up in a new home without your essential services increases the stress and pressure of moving a thousandfold, but that’s easily avoided by contacting your service providers two or three weeks ahead of your moving date and arranging service hookups for as soon as comfortable, once you get the keys.
While hydro and water accounts can be transferred automatically at your provider’s side—and be ready for your Moving Day—appointments for services such as Internet hookup, which require a service visit, can fill up around the first and the fifteenth of the month, which are your most common moving dates. That’s why it’s important to get in ahead of the pack—and get your choice of hookup date, so your Netflix downtime is a short one.
5) Have a plan for your valuables
Everyone’s got something that’s a little too precious to trust to a moving truck, whether it’s an expensive pair of earrings or that knick-knack you got from your grandmother as a kid. Make sure that anything you want to keep with you on Moving Day has a place, a plan, and an slot in your general inventory—so you will have the peace of mind to know nothing’s missing, everything’s safe, and your valuables stay with you on Moving Day.
6) Labels, labels, and more labels
When it comes to moving, clear and explicit labels are your friend. A good marker and a clear plan can save you not just trouble when you’re packing—but can make the process of unpacking easy as pie.
Box like items together: books with books, dishes with dishes, winter clothes with winter clothes. Once that’s done, make sure to label all your bags and boxes not just by contents, but also by the room they’re destined for. The result? Your movers know where every piece of cargo goes, and you’re not left digging for a coffee cup for hours because it’s two rooms away, and under a box of backup office supplies.
Stay organized, keep to your plan, and keep your head? And your Moving Day won’t just be seamless, but great!
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